Scripture Verse

I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne. Revelation 5:11


Words: God­frey Thring, 1886.

Music: Pat­mos (Stor­er) Hen­ry J. Stor­er, in Three Pro­cess­ion­al Hymns, 1891 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Stor­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I heard a sound of voic­es,
Around the great white throne,
With harp­ers harp­ing on their harps
To Him that sat there­on:
Salvation, glo­ry, hon­or!
I heard the song arise,
As through the courts of Hea­ven it rolled
In won­drous har­mo­nies.

From ev­ery clime and kin­dred,
And na­tions from afar,
As ser­ried ranks re­turn­ing home
In tri­umph from a war,
I heard the saints up­rais­ing,
The my­ri­ad hosts among,
In praise of Him who died and lives,
Their one glad tri­umph song.

I saw the ho­ly ci­ty,
The New Je­ru­sa­lem,
Come down from Heav’n, a bride adorned
With jew­eled dia­dem;
The flood of crys­tal wa­ters
Flowed down the gold­en street;
And na­tions brought their hon­ors there,
And laid them at her feet.

And there no sun was need­ed,
Nor moon to shine by night,
God’s glo­ry did en­light­en all,
The Lamb Him­self the Light;
And there His ser­vants serve Him,
And, life’s long bat­tle o’er,
Enthroned with Him, their Sav­ior king,
They reign for­ev­er­more.

O great and glo­ri­ous vi­sion,
The Lamb up­on His throne!
O won­drous sight for man to see!
The Sav­ior with His own;
To drink the liv­ing wa­ters
And stand up­on the shore,
Where nei­ther sor­row, sin nor death
Shall en­ter ev­er more.

O Lamb of God who reign­est,
Thou bright and morn­ing Star!
Whose glo­ry light­ens that new earth
Which now we see from far;
O wor­thy Judge eter­nal,
When Thou dost bid us come,
Then op­en wide the gates of pearl
And call Thy ser­vants home.