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Scripture Verse

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27


Lewis T. Hartsough

Words & Mu­sic: Lew­is T. Hart­sough, 1872 (🔊 ). Hart­sough wrote this song at a re­vi­val meet­ing in Ep­worth, Io­wa.

Origin of the Hymn

The words and mu­sic of this beau­ti­ful hymn were first pub­lished in a month­ly, en­ti­tled, Guide to Ho­li­ness, a co­py of which was sent to me in Eng­land. I im­me­di­ate­ly adopt­ed it, and had it pub­lished in Sac­red Songs and So­los.

It proved to be one of the most help­ful of the re­viv­al hymns, and was oft­en used as an in­vi­ta­tion hymn in Eng­land and Am­eri­ca…

Shortly af­ter this hymn was writ­ten, while it was be­ing sung by a large con­gre­ga­tion in Wash­ing­ton [DC], a pass­ing merc­hant stopped to list­en. It had been twen­ty years since he had crossed the thresh­old of a church. The con­gre­ga­tion were on their feet and sin­ners were pass­ing to the al­tar for pray­er. Stan­za af­ter stan­za of this hymn was sung, with in­creas­ing in­ter­est. The Ho­ly Spir­it so pressed the Lord’s claims that the mer­chant yield­ed and joined the pe­ni­tents.

He was con­vert­ed, and this hymn be­came his fa­vo­rite. He sang it in his home, on the street, and in his store. It seemed a spe­cial in­spi­ra­tion to him.

One morn­ing, about two weeks af­ter his con­ver­sion, as he start­ed for his store, his wife, hav­ing ac­com­pa­nied him to the door to say good-bye, heard him joy­ful­ly be­gin to sing, I am com­ing, Lord, to Thee, as he reached the street. She list­ened a lit­tle while, look­ing af­ter him, and then turned to her room.

A few mo­ments lat­er the door-bell rang. She an­swered it in per­son, on­ly to find that men were bear­ing home her hus­band’s dead bo­dy. He had slipped on the icy pave­ment and was in­stant­ly killed. The me­mo­ry of those last words of song that fell up­on her ears, as he tr­iumph­ant­ly sang, I am com­ing, Lord, to Thee, was to her a last­ing com­fort.

Sankey, pp. 161–62


I hear Thy wel­come voice
That calls me, Lord, to Thee,
For cleans­ing in Thy pre­cious blood
That flowed on Cal­va­ry.


I am com­ing Lord!
Coming now to Thee!
Wash me, cleanse me in the blood
That flowed on Cal­va­ry!

Though com­ing weak and vile,
Thou dost my strength as­sure;
Thou dost my vile­ness ful­ly cleanse,
Till spot­less all, and pure.


’Tis Je­sus calls me on
To per­fect faith and love,
To per­fect hope and peace and trust,
For earth and Heav’n above.


’Tis Je­sus who con­firms
The bless­èd work with­in,
By add­ing grace to wel­comed grace,
Where reigned the pow­er of sin.


And He the wit­ness gives
To loy­al hearts and free
That eve­ry pro­mise is ful­filled,
If faith but brings the plea.


All hail! aton­ing blood!
All hail! re­deem­ing grace!
All hail! the gift of Christ our Lord,
Our strength and right­eous­ness.
