


Born: Au­gust 31, 1828, Ith­aca, New York.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 1, 1919, Mount Ver­non, Io­wa.

Buried: Mount Ver­non Ce­me­te­ry, Mount Ver­non, Io­wa.


Hartsough was the hus­band of Isa­bel­la Cor­nish (mar­ried Ju­ly 1, 1852, Co­ven­try, New York)

On de­cid­ing to en­ter the min­is­try, he ap­plied for en­try in­to the Me­tho­dist de­no­mi­na­tion, and was re­ceived on tri­al in the Onei­da Con­fer­ence, Ju­ly 30, 1851.

He gra­du­at­ed from Ca­ze­no­via Se­mi­na­ry, New York, in 1852, and was or­dained a Me­tho­dist min­is­ter in 1853.

His first ser­mon was preached at Oneida. Dur­ing his min­is­try in New York state, he al­so served at Ma­son­ville, Smyr­na, Jack­son­ville, Sha­ron Springs, Frey­shick [sic], Mil­ford, Cin­cin­na­tus, Dry­den, and South Street Uti­ca. Dur­ing this pe­ri­od, he was al­so a mem­ber of the Chris­tian Com­mis­sion, 1864–56.

Around 1868, he moved west for health rea­sons, be­com­ing su­per­in­tend­ent of the Ut­ah Mis­sion, then pre­sid­ing el­der of the Wy­om­ing Dis­trict. About the same time, he served as mu­sic­al ed­it­or for Jo­seph Hill­man’s Re­vi­val­ist.

Returning east in 1870, he served as chap­lain of the sa­ni­ta­ri­um in Clif­ton Springs, New York.

In 1871, he be­came pas­tor of the Me­tho­dist church in Ep­worth, Io­wa, and was in­stru­ment­al in a large re­viv­al there.

In 1874, he trans­ferred to the North­west­ern Io­wa Con­fer­ence, which then in­clud­ed the Da­ko­tas. For two years he was pre­sid­ing el­der of the Sioux Ci­ty dis­trict, then pre­sid­ing el­der of the Fort Dodge dis­trict for four years.

In 1880, he be­came pas­tor at Sioux Falls, South Da­ko­ta, and two years lat­er was ap­point­ed to the Hur­on dis­trict. This was fol­lowed by six years in the Sioux Falls dis­trict, which end­ed his ac­tive work in the min­is­try.

During a vi­sit to the east in 1889, he was a sup­ply pas­tor in Fay­ette­ville, New York. Lat­er that year, he and his fa­mi­ly re­turned to South Da­ko­ta, where they lived un­til 1895, when they moved to Mount Ver­non, Iowa.



