Scripture Verse

He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. Matthew 8:26


James Rowe (1865–1933)

Words: James Rowe, in New Songs of the Gos­pel No. 2, ed­it­ed by Her­bert J. La­cey, C. Aus­tin Miles & J. Lin­coln Hall (New York: Hall-Mack, 1905), num­ber 6.

Music: Ce­bu How­ard E. Smith (🔊 pdf nwc).

Howard E. Smith


When ang­ry waves about me roll,
And hide my path across life’s sea,
No fear alarms my trust­ing soul,
For well I know who pi­lots me.


Yes, well I know who pi­lots me
Across life’s ev­er trou­bled sea;
The winds may rave, and waves may swell,
While Je­sus pi­lots, all is well.

Day af­ter day, tho’ tossed about,
And oft­en dan­ger­ous rocks I see,
There comes to me no fear nor doubt,
For well I know who pi­lots me.


Tho’ each new day brings tri­als sore,
Tho’ rough­er still the ocean be,
I know that I shall reach the shore,
For well I know who pi­lots me.


My Sav­ior’s love still guides me on,
My on­ly chart and com­pass He;
I’ll trust Him till the jour­ney’s done,
For well I know who pi­lots me.
