Scripture Verse

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32


Louis F. Benson (1855–1930)

Words: Lou­is F. Ben­son, 1917.

Music: Webb George J. Webb, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Webb,

George J. Webb (1803–1887)


Let free­men’s hearts grow bold­er;
Let free­dom’s ban­ner fly
Where God’s four winds un­fold her
To God’s un­chart­ed sky.
His Word and not ano­ther’s
Is pledged to li­ber­ty;
His hand hath made men bro­thers,
His truth shall make men free.

Where free­dom’s flag is fly­ing
In lands across the sea
On Thee we are re­ly­ing,
Great God, we count on Thee!
For right is right for­ev­er,
Though men have crowned the wrong,
And truth shall per­ish ne­ver—
Great God, how long? how long?

When our brave lads are dy­ing
In lands across the sea,
On Thee we are re­ly­ing,
Great God, they die for Thee!
And if we lay them sleep­ing
In lands be­yond the sea,
God, have them in Thy keep­ing—
We leave them there with Thee.