Scripture Verse

The Lord was my stay. Psalm 18:18


Words: Eb­en­ez­er S. Oak­ley, 1885. Appeared in Hymns of Faith and Life, by John Hunt­er, 1889.

Music: Mor­ley Tho­mas Mor­ley, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Oak­ley or Mor­ley (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


In life’s ear­nest morn­ing,
When our hope was high,
Came Thy voice to sum­mons,
Not to be put by;
Nor in toil nor sor­row,
Weakness or dis­may,
Need we ever fal­ter—
Art not Thou our stay?

Teach us, Lord, Thy wis­dom,
While we seek men’s lore;
May the mind be hum­bled
As we know Thee more;
Let the larg­er vi­sion
Bring the child­like heart,
And our deep­er know­ledge
Holier zeal im­part.

Should Thy face be cloud­ed
To our spir­its’ sight,
Speak thro’ hu­man kind­ness,
Shine thro’ na­ture’s light,
In the face of loved ones,
Or the ties of home—
Only, gra­cious Fa­ther,
To Thy child­ren come.

Save us, Lord, from seek­ing
Earth’s un­hal­lowed goals;
May our life­long pas­sion
Be the love of souls;
Let us live and la­bor,
Father, in Thy sight,
Thro’ the grace of Je­sus,
By the Spir­it’s might.