Scripture Verse

Do you love Me? John 21:16


Words: Eli G. Chris­ty, in Songs of Love and Praise, ed­it­ed by John R. Swe­ney et al. (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John H. Hood, 1894), num­ber 139.

Music: Li­thu­an­ia Eli G. Chri­sty, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Christy (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


It pays to serve Je­sus,
I speak from my heart;
He’ll al­ways be with us,
If we do our part;
There’s naught in this wide world
Can plea­sure afford,
There’s peace and con­tent­ment
In serv­ing the Lord.


I love Him far bet­ter
Than in days of yore,
I’ll serve Him more tru­ly
Than ev­er be­fore;
I’ll do as He bids me,
Whatever the cost,
I’ll be a true sol­dier—
I’ll die at my post.

And oft when I’m tempt­ed
To turn from the track,
I think of my Sav­ior—
My mind wan­ders back
To the place where they nailed Him
On Cal­vary’s tree—
I hear a voice say­ing,
I suf­fered for thee.


There’s a place that re­mem­brance
Still brings back to me,
’Twas there I found par­don—
’Twas Hea­ven to me;
There Je­sus spoke sweet­ly
To my wea­ry soul,
My sins were for­giv­en,
He made my heart whole.


How rich is the bless­ing
The world can­not give,
I’m sa­tis­fied ful­ly
For Je­sus to live;
Tho’ friends may for­sake me,
And tri­als arise,
I’m trust­ing in Je­sus,
His love ne­ver dies.
