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Scripture Verse

I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength. Psalm 18:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 34.

Music: Men­don Ger­man tune, ar­ranged by Sam­uel Dy­er, Sup­ple­ment of Sam­uel Dy­er’s Third Edi­tion of Sac­red Mu­sic, 1828 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Dy­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


I love the Lord, His strength is mine;
He is my God, I trust His grace;
My fort­ress high, my shield di­vine,
My Sav­ior and my hid­ing place.

My pray­er to God shall still be raised
When trou­bles thick around me close;
The Lord, most wor­thy to be praised,
Will res­cue me from all my foes.

When, floods of ev­il rag­ing near,
Down nigh to death my soul was brought,
I cried to God in all my fear;
He heard and great de­liv­er­ance wrought.

He came: the earth’s foun­da­tions quake,
The hills are shak­en from their place,
Thick smoke and fire de­vour­ing break
In ang­er dread be­fore His face.

Descending through the bend­ing skies,
With gloom and dark­ness un­der Him,
Forth through the storm Je­ho­vah flies,
As on the wings of cher­ub­im.

Thick dark­ness hides Him from the view,
And swell­ing clouds His pre­sence veil,
Until His glo­ri­ous light breaks through
In light­ning flash and glist­en­ing hail.

Jehovah’s thun­ders fill the heav­en,
The dread­ful voice of God Most High;
With shafts of light the clouds are riv­en,
His foes, dis­mayed, in ter­ror fly.

The rag­ing tor­rents ov­er­flow,
And sweep the world’s foun­da­tions bare,
Because Thy blasts of an­ger blow,
O Lord of earth and sea and air.

He took me from the whelm­ing waves
Of bit­ter hate and sore dis­tress;
The Lord, my stay and help­er, saves,
Though migh­ty foes around me press.

From dire­ful straits He set me free,
He saved the man of His de­light,
For good the Lord reward­ed me,
Because I kept His ways aright.

Since with my God with per­fect heart
I walk and make His Word my guide,
And from ini­qui­ty de­part,
The Lord His bless­ing will pr­ovide.

Alternate text:

I love the Lord, His strength is mine;
He is my God, I trust His grace;
My fort­ress high, my shield di­vine,
My Sav­ior and my hid­ing place.

The mer­ci­ful shall know Thy grace,
The per­fect Thy per­fect­ion see;
The pure shall see Thy own pure face;
The fro­ward find a foe in Thee.

To smite the proud and bring them low,
To save the poor is Thy de­light.
The Lord will cause my lamp to glow,
My God will make my dark­ness light.

From God the vic­to­ry I re­ceive;
Most per­fect is His ho­ly way;
His Word is tried, they who be­lieve
Will find the Lord their strength and stay.

For who is God, and strong to save,
Beside the Lord, our God of might?
’Tis He that makes me strong and brave,
The Lord who guides my steps aright.

Thy free sal­va­tion is my shield,
My sure de­fense in ev­ery strait;
Thy hand up­holds me, lest I yield;
Thy gen­tle­ness has made me great.