Scripture Verse

Only God is my rock and my salvation. Psalm 62:2


Words: Ber­tha Da­vis, in The Re­viv­al No. 6, by Charles D. Till­man (At­lan­ta, Geor­gia: Char­lie D. Till­man, 1910), num­ber 61.

Music: Kam­loops John T. Ben­son, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Da­vis or Ben­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The pit­falls in sin’s aw­ful path
Once caught and held me fast,
But Je­sus came and saved from wrath;
I’m on the Rock at last.


I’m on the Rock at last, at last,
I’m on the Rock at last;
My feet have found a rest­ing place,
I’m on the Rock at last.

Old Sa­tan led thro’ mire and sand,
And thorns be­fore me cast,
But, by the Sav­ior’s migh­ty hand,
I’m on the Rock at last.


On sin’s wild sea I’ll sail no more,
All dan­ger now is past,
The rag­ing tem­pests all are o’er,
I’m on the Rock at last.


I have es­caped the burn­ing sand,
The de­sert’s fie­ry blast,
I’m bound for Heav­en’s shin­ing strand,
I’m on the Rock at last.
