How precious are thy thoughts unto me, O God!
Psalm 139:17
Words: John Kent, OrigÂinÂal GosÂpel Hymns, 1803, numÂber 164. ElectÂing Love.
Music: DarÂwall’s 148th John DarÂwall, in The New UniÂversÂal PsalÂmoÂdist, by AarÂon WillÂiams, 1770 (🔊
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If you know where to get a good picÂture of DarÂwall (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
Indulgent God! how kind
Are all Thy ways to me,
Whose dark beÂnightÂed mind
Was enÂmiÂty with Thee;
Yet now, subÂdued by soÂverÂeign grace,
My spirÂit longs for Thy emÂbrace!
How preÂcious are Thy thoughts,
Which o’er my boÂsom roll!
They swell beÂyond my faults,
And capÂtiÂvate my soul;
How great their sum, how high they rise,
Can ne’er be known beÂneath the skies.
Preserved in JeÂsus when
My feet made haste to hell;
And there should I have gone,
But Thou dost all things well;
Thy love was great, Thy merÂcy free,
Which from the pit deÂliÂvered me.
Before Thy hands had made
The sun to rule the day,
Or earth’s founÂdaÂtion laid,
Or faÂshioned AdÂam’s clay,
What thoughts of peace and merÂcy flowed
In Thy dear boÂsom, O my God!
O faÂthomÂless abyss,
Where hidÂden mysÂterÂies lie;
The serÂaph finds his bliss
Within the same to pry.
Lord, what is man, Thy desÂperÂate foe,
That Thou should bless and love him so?
A moÂnuÂment of grace,
A sinÂner saved by blood;
The streams of love I trace
Up to the fountÂain, God;
And in His sacÂred bosÂom see
Eternal thoughts of love to me.