Scripture Verse

I will sing aloud of Thy mercy in the morning. Psalm 59:16


Words: Am­os F. Herr, 1890. Herr wrote this hymn one Sun­day morn­ing when the snow was so deep his horse could not make it through the drifts to get him to church.

Music: Gra­ti­tude (Herr) Amos F. Herr, in Hymns and Tunes for Pub­lic and Pri­vate Wor­ship, and Sun­day Schools (Elk­hart, In­di­ana: Men­non­ite Pub­lish­ing, 1890), num­ber 169 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Herr,

Amos F. Herr (1816–1897)


I owe the Lord a morn­ing song
Of gra­ti­tude and praise,
For the kind mer­cy He has shown
In length­en­ing out my days.

He kept me safe an­oth­er night;
I see an­oth­er day;
Now may His Spir­it, as the light,
Direct me in His way.

Keep me from dan­ger and from sin;
Help me Thy will to do,
So that my heart be pure with­in;
And I Thy good­ness know.

Keep me till Thou wilt call me hence,
Where ne­ver night can be;
And save me, Lord, for Je­sus’ sake.
He shed His blood for me.