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Scripture Verse

O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me. Isaiah 38:14


Words: Al­bert B. Simp­son, Hymns and Song of the Four-Fold Gos­pel and the Full­ness of Je­sus (New York: Chris­tian Al­li­ance Pub­lish­ing, 1891), pag­es 42–43.

Music: Charles H. For­rest (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of For­rest (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Albert Simpson (1843–1919)


I clasp the hand of love di­vine,
I claim the gra­cious pro­mise mine,
And this eter­nal count­er­sign,
I takeHe un­der­takes.


I take Thee, bless­èd Lord,
I give my­self to Thee;
And Thou, ac­cord­ing to Thy word,
Dost un­der­take for me.

I take sal­va­tion full and free,
Thro’ Him who gave His life for me,
He un­der­takes my all to be,
I takeHe un­der­takes.


I take Him as my ho­li­ness,
My spir­it’s spot­less, heav­en­ly dress,
I take the Lord, my right­eous­ness,
I takeHe un­der­takes.


I take the pro­mised Ho­ly Ghost,
I take the pow­er of Pen­te­cost,
To fill me to the ut­ter­most,
I takeHe un­der­takes.


I take Him for this mor­tal frame,
I take my heal­ing thro’ His name,
And all His ris­en life I claim,
I takeHe un­der­takes.


I sim­ply take Him at His word,
I praise Him that my pray­er is heard,
And claim my an­swer from the Lord,
I takeHe un­der­takes.


I take His high­est will for me,
Faith’s ut­most pos­si­bil­ity,
For time and all eter­ni­ty,
I takeHe un­der­takes.