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Scripture Verse

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing steadfastly in prayer. Romans 12:12


Words & Mu­sic: Ok­la D. Bur­dette, in His Wor­thy Praise, by Ed­mund S. Lo­renz & Ira B. Wil­son (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing, 1915), num­ber 112 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bur­dette (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When dark, gloomy sha­dows
Creep ov­er my soul,
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior;
When ’round me in fu­ry
The wild bil­lows roll,
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior.


Oh, what a pri­vi­lege di­vine
To kneel at the Sav­ior’s feet,
To car­ry each sor­row, hope and fear
To the life-giv­ing mer­cy seat.

When floods of temp­ta­tion
My soul would o’er­flow,
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior;
When sore tri­bu­la­tions
My faith would o’er­throw,
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior.


When ene­mies in­jure,
Or friends me for­sake,
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior;
When hopes all are blast­ed,
When cher­ished plans break,
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior.


I long ev­ery day to
Draw near­er His throne;
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior;
My peace and con­tent in
His pre­sence alone,
I take it in pray­er to my Sav­ior.
