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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Henry Holmes (1852–1938)

Words: Rich­mond Deck, in Hymns of Con­se­cra­tion and Faith, by James Mount­ain (Lon­don: Mar­shall Bro­thers, new & en­larged edi­tion, 1902), num­ber 129.

Music: Re­pose (Holmes) Hen­ry J. E. Holmes (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Deck (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Holmes, would you send us an e-mail?


I take Thy pro­mise, Lord, in all its length,
And breadth and full­ness, as my dai­ly strength;
Into life’s fu­ture fear­less I may gaze,
For, Je­sus, Thou art with me all the days.

Days may be com­ing fraught with loss and change,
New scenes sur­round my life, and fac­es strange;
I thank Thee that no day can ev­er break,
Savior, when Thou wilt leave me or for­sake.

There may be days of dark­ness and dis­tress,
When sin has pow­er to tempt, and care to press—
Yet in the dark­est day I will not fear,
For, ’mid the sha­dows, Thou wilt still be near.

Days there may be of joy, and deep de­light,
When earth seems fair­est, and her skies most bright;
Then draw me clos­er to Thee, lest I rest
Elsewhere, my Sav­ior, than up­on Thy breast.

And all the oth­er days that make my life,
Marked by no spe­cial joy or grief or strife,
Days filled with qui­et du­ties, tri­vi­al care,
Burdens too small for oth­er hearts to share;

Spend Thou those days with me, all shall be Thine—
So shall the dark­est hour with glo­ry shine.
Then, when these earth­ly years have passed away,
Let me be with Thee in the per­fect day.