Scripture Verse

They shall hear of Thy great name…when he shall come and pray toward this house. 1 Kings 8:42


Ralph E. Hudson (1843–1901)

Words: Jo­seph Hos­kins, in Hymns on Se­lect Texts of Scrip­ture and Oc­ca­sion­al Sub­jects (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Moody & Bot­tom­ley, 1789).

Music: Mar­tyr­dom Hugh Wil­son, 1800. Ar­ranged by Ralph E. Hud­son, cir­ca 1885 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Bach in the Sab­bath School Me­lo­dist, ed­it­ed by Will­iam Byrnes (Bos­ton Mas­sa­chu­setts: Mas­sa­chu­setts Sab­bath School So­ci­ety, 1850), num­ber 4 (🔊 pdf nwc)

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hos­kins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


In Thy great name, O Lord, we come,
To wor­ship at Thy feet;
Oh, pour Thy ho­ly Spir­it down
On all that now shall meet.

We come to hear Je­ho­vah speak,
To hear the Sav­ior’s voice;
Thy face and fa­vor, Lord, we seek,
Now make our hearts re­joice.

Teach us to pray, and praise, and hear,
And un­der­stand Thy Word;
To feel Thy bliss­ful pre­sence near,
And trust our liv­ing Lord.

Here let Thy pow­er and grace be felt,
Thy love and mer­cy known;
Our icy hearts, dear Je­sus, melt,
And break this flin­ty stone.