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Scripture Verse

O Lord, rebuke me not in Thy wrath: neither chasten me in Thy hot displeasure. Psalm 38:1


Words: From The Psalms of Da­vid, in Metre (New York: H. Con­nel­ly, 1849).

Music: Wind­sor Chris­to­pher Tye, 1533. Ar­ranged in the Booke of Mu­sicke, by Will­iam Da­man, 1591 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Tye or Da­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The Plague of Rome
Jules-Elie Delauney (1828–1891)

In Thy great in­dig­na­tion, Lord,
Do Thou re­buke me not;
Nor on me lay Thy chast­en­ing hand,
In Thy dis­plea­sure hot.

For in me fast Thine ar­rows stick,
Thy hand doth press me sore;
And in my flesh there is no health,
Nor sound­ness any more.

This grief I have be­cause Thy wrath
Is forth against me gone;
And in my bones there is no rest,
For sin that I have done.

Because gone up ab­ove my head
My great trans­gress­ions be;
And, as a weigh­ty bur­den, they
Too hea­vy are for me.

My wounds are pu­trid and cor­rupt;
My fol­ly makes it so.
I trou­bled am, and much bowed down;
All day I mourn­ing go.

For a dis­ease which loath­some is
So fills my loins with pain,
That in my weak and wea­ry flesh
No sound­ness doth re­main.

So fee­ble and in­firm am I,
And brok­en am so sore,
That, through dis­qui­et of my heart,
I have been made to roar.

O Lord, all that I do de­sire
Is still be­fore Thy eye;
And of my heart the sec­ret groans
Not hid­den are from Thee.

My heart doth pant in­ces­sant­ly,
My strength doth quite de­cay;
As for my eyes, their wont­ed light
Is from me gone away.

My lov­ers and my friends do stand
At dist­ance from my sore;
And they do stand aloof who were
Kinsmen and kind be­fore.

Yea, they who seek my life lay snares;
And they who would me wrong
Have spok­en mis­chief, and de­ceits
Imagined all day long.

But as one deaf, I did not hear,
I suf­fered all to pass;
And as a dumb man I be­came,
Whose mouth not op­ened was.

As one that hears not, in whose mouth
Are no re­proofs at all:
For, Lord, I hope in Thee, my God
Will hear me when I call.

Because I said, Hear me, lest they
Rejoice o’er me with pride;
And o’er me mag­ni­fy them­selves,
Because my foot doth slide.

For I am near to halt, my grief
Is still be­fore my eye;
I will de­clare my sin, and grieve
For my ini­qui­ty.

But yet my foes are full of life,
My ene­mies are strong;
And they are great­ly mul­ti­plied
Who hate and would me wrong.

And they for good who ren­der ill,
As en’mies me with­stood;
They are my bit­ter foes be­cause
I fol­low what is good.

Forsake me not, O Lord; my God,
Far from me nev­er be.
O Lord, Thou my sal­va­tion art,
In haste give help to me.