Scripture Verse

Be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18


Johnson Oatman (1856–1922)

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., in On Wings of Song, ed­it­ed by George C. Hugg (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: George C. Hugg, 1896), page 151.

Music: Hea­ven­ly Pow­er Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Oat­man,

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


All around this ve­ry hour,
Falls there streams of heav’n­ly pow­er;
Falling now so full and free,
Praise the Lord, it’s fill­ing me.


Hallelujah! feel the pow­er,
Falling like a migh­ty show­er;
Coming now so full and free,
Praise the Lord, it’s fill­ing me.

Send us show­ers of heav’n­ly grace,
Let Thy pre­sence fill this place;
Speak the word, and it shall be,
That Thy show­ers fall on me.


Thou alone this pow­er canst give,
Without which I dare not live;
Give me pow­er to work for Thee,
Let the stream reach ev­en me.
