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Scripture Verse

I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2


David Sullins (1827–1918)

Words & Mu­sic: Da­vid Sul­lins, in Chris­tian Hymns No. 1, by W. P. Hall & J. W. Chap­man (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hall-Mack, 1899) (🔊 ).


They tell of a ci­ty far up in the sky,
I want to go there, I do;
’Tis built in the land
Of the sweet by and by,
I want to go there, don’t you?
There Je­sus has gone
To pre­pare us a home,
I want to go there, I do;
Where sick­ness nor sor­row
Nor death ev­er come,
I want to go there, don’t you?
I want to go there, I want to go there,
I want to go there, I do;
I want to go there, I want to go there,
I want to go there, don’t you?

Its gates are all pearl,
Its streets are all gold,
I want to go there, I do;
The Lamb is the light
Of the ci­ty we’re told,
I want to go there don’t you?
Death robs us all here,
There none ev­er die,
I want to go there, I do;
Where loved ones will nev­er
Again say good­bye,
I want to go there, don’t you?
I want to go there, I want to go there,
I want to go there, I do;
I want to go there, I want to go there,
I want to go there, don’t you?

When the old ship of Zi­on
Shall make her last trip,
I want to be there, I do;
With heads all un­co­vered
To greet the old ship,
I want to be there, don’t you?
When all the ship’s com­pa­ny
Meet on the strand,
I want to be there, I do;
With songs on our lips
And with harps in our hands,

I want to be there, don’t you?
I want to be there, I want to be there,
I expect to be there, I do;
I want to be there, I want to be there,
I expect to be there, don’t you?

When Je­sus is crowned
The King of all kings,
I want to be there, I do;
With shout­ing and clap­ping
Till all Heav­en rings,
I want to be there, don’t you?
Hallelujah! we’ll shout again and again,
I want to be there, don’t you?
And close with the chor­us,
Amen and amen,
I want to be there, don’t you?
I want to be there, I want to be there,
I expect to be there, I do;
I want to be there, I want to be there,
I expect to be there, don’t you?