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Scripture Verse

Her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. Revelation 21:11


Words: E. F. Daw­son, in Pre­cious Jew­els, ed­it­ed by J. H. Les­lie & R. B. Ma­haf­fey (New York: C. M. Ca­dy, 1878), page 71.

Music: Beau­vais E. F. Daw­son (🔊 ).

If you know Daw­son’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When we cross the jas­per sea,
When we reach the oth­er shore,
Full of bliss our songs shall be,
Praise to God for­ev­ermore.


When we reach the hap­py shore,
Far across the jas­per sea,
We will sing for­ev­er­more,
Thro’ a long eter­ni­ty.

With the an­gels round the throne,
Clothed in splen­dor we shall stand,
Death and tears are nev­er known,
In that bright and hap­py land.


Parting days will nev­er come,
Bright our lot will ev­er be,
When we reach our heav’n­ly home,
Far across the jas­per sea.
