She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21
Words: John Needham, Hymns Devotional and Moral on Various Subjects (Bristol, England: S. Farley, 1768), number 82.
Music: Lake Enon Isaac B. Woodbury, 1856 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Needham (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus, delightful name!
Salvation’s in the sound;
Search the wide world, a sweeter word
In nature can’t be found.
Behold, an angel gives
The holy Babe the name;
Behold the heavenly choir unite
To sing His lasting fame.
Jesus, the king of grace,
An empire wide shall have;
From sin, the worst of foes to man,
His people He shall save.
O’er Jacob He shall reign;
Gentiles the knee shall bend;
His crown shall flourish on His head,
His kingdom never end.
Ye creatures all that dwell
On earth, in air and sea,
Th’exalted name of Jesus praise,
And cheerful bow the knee.
Jesus, Thy name we praise,
And Thy redemption sing,
From all our sins our souls redeem,
And Thy salvation bring.
When at Thy Father’s throne,
For needful grace we pray;
Thy all prevailing name we’ll plead,
And send our fears away.
Whilst on Thy precious blood
For pardon we rely,
Swayed by Thy richest grace we will
All worldly lusts deny.