Scripture Verse

Set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley (1707–1788). Ap­peared in The Un­pub­lished Po­et­ry of Charles Wes­ley, Vol­ume 3 (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Ab­ing­don Press, 1992), pag­es 109–10.

Music: In Me­mo­ri­am (Ro­berts) Ca­ra­dog Ro­berts (1878–1935) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Caradog Roberts (1878–1935)


Jesus, from Thy ser­vants tak­en!
Taken up this so­lemn day,
See us seem­ing­ly for­sak­en
To sur­round­ing wolves a prey:
In a world of tri­bu­la­tion,
In a vale of mi­se­ry,
Pressed with ma­ni­fold temp­ta­tion,
Looking, gasp­ing af­ter Thee.

To Thine own eter­nal glo­ry
Thou tri­um­phant­ly art gone,
Where the an­gels fall be­fore Thee
Seated on Thine heav’n­ly throne:
Yet Thou hear’st Thy ser­vants mourn­ing,
Feel’st whate’er Thy mem­bers feel,
Us, who long for Thy re­turn­ing,
Earnestly re­mem­ber­est still.

Touched with ex­qui­site com­pass­ion
For Thy fee­ble fol­low­ers here,
Answer, Lord, our sup­pli­ca­tion,
Send us down the Com­fort­er:
Breathe in­to our hearts Thy Spir­it,
Witness of Thy dy­ing love,
Seal of all we hope t’in­he­rit,
Earnest of our joys above.

Ever in Thy Spir­it near us
Let us now Thy Spir­it feel,
By Thy faith­ful mer­cies cheer us,
By the gift un­speak­able:
Show th’in­tent of Thine as­cend­ing,
Answer it on all and me,
Every soul on Thee de­pend­ing,
Draw us, Sav­ior, up to Thee.

All the vir­tue of Thy Pass­ion,
All the be­ne­fits ap­ply,
Visit us with Thy sal­va­tion,
Pardon, Lord, and sanc­ti­fy:
By Thy re­sur­rect­ion raise us
To that sin­less life un­known,
By Thine ex­al­ta­tion place us
On Thine ev­er­last­ing throne.