Scripture Verse

I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 11:19


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, Vol­ume 1, 1749, num­ber 200. Be­fore preach­ing to the coll­iers in Lei­ces­ter­shire.

Music: Pres­cott (Lut­kin) Pe­ter C. Lut­kin (1858–1931) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Peter C. Lutkin (1858–1931)


Jesu, Thou all re­deem­ing Lord,
Thy bless­ing we im­plore;
Open the door to preach Thy Word,
The great, ef­fect­ual door.

Gather the out­casts in, and save
From sin, and Sa­tan’s pow­er;
And let them now ac­cept­ance have,
And know their gra­cious hour.

O that to these poor Gen­tiles now
The door were op­ened wide,
O that their stiff-necked souls might bow
To Je­sus cru­ci­fied!

Lover of souls, Thou know­est to prize
What Thou hast bought so dear:
Come then, and in Thy peo­ple’s eyes
With all Thy wounds ap­pear.

Appear, as when of old con­fessed
The suf­fer­ing Son of God,
And let them see Thee in Thy vest:
But new­ly dipped in blood.

The hard­ness of their hearts re­move,
Thou who for all hast died;
Show them the tok­ens of Thy love,
Thy feet, Thy hands, Thy side.

Thy feet were nailed to yon­der tree
To tram­ple down their sin;
Thy hands they all stretched out may see,
To take the mur­der­ers in.

Thy side an op­en fount­ain is,
Where all may free­ly go,
And drink the liv­ing streams of bliss,
And wash them white as snow.

Ready Thou art the blood to ap­ply,
And prove the re­cord true;
And all Thy wounds to sin­ners cry,
I suf­fered this for you!

Swearers, and whore­mon­gers, and thieves,
Before your Sav­ior fall,
Receive the Man who all re­ceives,
And paid the debt for all.

Lovers of plea­sure more than God,
For you He suf­fered pain:
Railers, for you He spilt His blood;
And shall He bleed in vain?

Misers, His life for you He paid,
Your bas­est crime He bore;
Drunkards, your sins on Him were laid,
That ye might sin no more.

Ye liars, and blas­phem­ers too,
Who speak the phrase of hell,
Ye mur­der­ers all, He died for you,
He loved your souls so well.

Ye mon­sters of un­na­tur­al vice
Too hor­ri­ble to name,
To ran­som you He paid the price,
To pluck you from the flame.

Vilest of all th’apos­tate race,
Who dare your God de­ny,
Arians, your God died in your place,
In yours, ye De­ists, die.

Haters of God, your mad­ness mourn,
And God will yet for­give;
To Je­sus, friend of sin­ners, turn,
Who died that ye might live.

The God of love, to earth He came;
That you might come to Hea­ven;
Believe, be­lieve in Je­su’s name,
And all your sins for­giv­en.

Believe, that Je­sus died for Thee;
And sure as He hath died,
Thy debt is paid, thy soul is free,
And thou art jus­ti­fied.