

Born: March 27, 1858, Thomp­son­ville, Wis­con­sin.

Died: De­cem­ber 27, 1931, Ev­an­ston, Il­li­nois.

Buried: Rose­hill Ce­me­te­ry, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.



Peter was the son of Pe­ter Chris­tian Lut­kin and Han­nah Oli­va­ri­us, and hus­band of De­li­lah Car­man.

A com­pos­er and con­duc­tor, Lut­kin stu­died mu­sic in Ber­lin (1881–83); at the Roy­al High School for Mu­sic un­der Au­gust Haupt (or­gan) and Os­car Raif (pi­ano); at the Roy­al Aca­de­my of Arts un­der Wol­de­mar Bar­giel; and pi­ano un­der Mor­itz Mosz­kow­sky in Pa­ris (1884).

He was or­gan­ist at the Ca­thed­ral of St. Pe­ter and St. Paul, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois (1871–81); or­gan­ist and choir mas­ter at St. Cle­ment’s, Chi­ca­go (1884–91).

He served as di­rect­or of the Theo­re­tic­al De­part­ment, Am­eri­can Con­ser­va­to­ry of Mu­sic, Chi­ca­go (1885–91); and di­rect­or (1891–97) and dean (1897) of the School of Music at North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty, Ev­an­ston, Il­li­nois.

He re­ceived an hon­or­ary doc­tor of mu­sic de­gree from Sy­ra­cuse Uni­ver­si­ty (1900), and lec­tured on church mu­sic at West­ern Theo­lo­gic­al Ins­ti­tute, Chi­ca­go, and Gar­rett Bib­li­cal Ins­ti­tute, Ev­an­ston, Il­li­nois.

He was a found­er of the Am­eri­can Guild of Or­gan­ists and the North Shore Fes­tiv­al in Chi­ca­go, and joint mu­sic­al ed­it­or of the Me­tho­dist Hym­nal.


