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Scripture Verse

Joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5


Words: Sam­uel Greg, 1868. Writ­ten in the midst of af­flict­ion, Sept. 1868, and pub. in his Lay­man’s Le­ga­cy, 1877…en­ti­tled The My­ste­ry of Life (Ju­li­an, p. 466).

Music: Im­pli­cit Trust Al­fred G. Wat­hall, 1905 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wat­hall (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Greg, would you send us an e-mail?

Samuel Greg (1804–1876)


Slowly, slow­ly dark­en­ing
The ev­en­ing hours roll on;
And soon be­hind the cloud-land
Will sink my set­ting sun.

Around my path life’s mys­ter­ies
Their deep­en­ing sha­dows throw;
And as I gaze and pon­der,
They dark and dark­er grow.

But there’s a voice above me
Which says, Wait, trust and pray;
The night will soon be ov­er,
And light will come with day.

Father! the light and dark­ness
Are both alike to Thee;
Then to Thy wait­ing ser­vant,
Alike they both shall be.

The great un­end­ing fu­ture,
I can­not pierce its shroud;
Yet no­thing doubt, nor trem­ble,
God’s bow is on the cloud.

To Him I yield my spir­it,
On Him I lay my load;
Fear ends with death; be­yond it
I no­thing see but God.

Thus mov­ing to­wards the dark­ness
I calm­ly wait His call,
Now see­ing, fear­ing—no­thing;
But hop­ing, trust­ing—all!