Scripture Verse

The blood of Jesus Christ…cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7


Words: Fred L. Hahn, in Songs of the Ev­en­ing Light, ed­it­ed by Bar­ney E. War­ren & An­drew L. By­ers (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet Com­pa­ny, 1897), num­ber 31.

Music: C. O. Hinck­ley (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Hinck­ley’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Hahn,


Jesus, Thy blood, Thy pre­cious blood,
For my sin doth atone;
Because Thou art the Lamb of God,
It speaks be­fore the throne.
Thy blood shall have its prais­es sung
By yon­der white robed throng;
All hail then to this pre­cious blood,
By me in cease­less song.


Jesus, Thy blood, Thy pre­cious blood,
Thy blood, it cleans­eth me!

Jesus, Thy name, Thy glo­ri­ous name!
When shall I know its worth?
It needs of heav’n­ly fire a flame,
Its glo­ries to show forth.
Thy name, high ov­er ev­ery name,
Shall yet ack­now­ledged be
By an­gels, se­raphs, and by men
On hum­bly bend­ed knee.


Jesus, Thy Word, Thy gra­cious Word!
Most wel­come news to me!
Oh, teach me by Thy Spir­it, Lord,
In it Thy­self to see.
More glo­ri­ous than Thy name, O Lord,
Thy Word will mag­ni­fy;
Thy Word makes known Thy name, Thy blood,
Brings all their bless­ings nigh.


More pre­cious still than all of these,
Art Thou Thy­self to me,
God ma­ni­fest in Christ the Lord—
Oh, what will Hea­ven be!
When all the blood-washed, glo­ri­fied
Shall see Thee as Thou art,
Who by Thy Word were sanc­ti­fied,
All one in name and heart.
