Scripture Verse

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. Matthew 28:19


Harriet E. Jones (1823–1915)

Words: Har­ri­et E. Jones, 1906.

Music: Kew Gar­dens By­ron Bur­ditt, 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bur­ditt (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Jones,


A call comes ring­ing from the throne,
O Chris­tian, do you hear?
It comes to all our Sav­ior’s own,
Go, preach a Sav­ior near.


Go forth, go forth, with ar­mor on,
And crim­son flag un­furled;
Obey the call, the king­ly call,
Go forth and win the world.

A Sav­ior near, dear souls to save,
Go tell it far and wide;
It was for this His life He gave,
The match­less Cru­ci­fied.


Go forth a brave, unit­ed band,
All gird­ed for the fray;
Stand firm un­til you take the land,
And thus the call ob­ey.
