Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words: John S. B. Monsell, Hymns of Love and Praise for the Church’s Year, 1863.
Music: Bakhmut Carey Boggess, in Glorious Things in Sacred Song, by Tullius C. O’Kane (Delaware, Ohio: T. C. O’Kane, 1886), number 49 (🔊
).This tune is for an even number of verses.
Alternate Tunes:
If you know where to get a good photo of Boggess (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Laboring and heavy laden,
Wanting help in time of need;
Fainting by the way from hunger,
Bread of Life!
on Thee we feed.
Thirsting for the springs of waters
That, by love’s eternal law,
From the stricken rock are flowing,
Well of Life!
from Thee we draw.
Driven out from happy Eden,
Far from home and shelter strayed,
Tossed with tempest, faint from sunshine,
Tree of Life!
we seek Thy shade.
In the land of cloud and shadow,
Where no human eye can see,
Light to those who sit in darkness,
Light of Life!
we walk in Thee.
Strangers upon earth, and pilgrims
Wearied with the world, and weak,
By life’s many ways bewildered,
Path of Life!
for Thee we seek.