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Scripture Verse

Who among you will give ear to this? Who will hearken and hear for the time to come? Isaiah 42:23


Words: John E. Gould, in Gos­pel Me­lo­dies (Cleve­land, Ohio: Will­iam R. Smel­lie, 1885), alt.

Music: Ko­di­ak Or­lan­do S. Grin­nell (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Grin­nell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Gould, would you send us an e-mail?

John E. Gould (1821–1875)


Listen, sin­ner, will you list­en,
While I make one more ap­peal?
Would with tears your eyes might glist­en!
Would to God your heart might feel!
You will, too, ere long be dy­ing;
Soon we’ll miss you from the earth,
And your cold form will be ly­ing
’Neath the green­sward and the turf.

But the grave is not the end­ing,
Sin will kill be­yond the tomb:
Oh, what aw­ful hor­rors pend­ing
In those words, the sin­ner’s doom!
God has traced it with His fin­ger,
Jesus said it should be so,
He who lives and dies a sin­ner
Must en­dure eter­nal woe.

You have had the Bi­ble warn­ing,
You have had the Spir­it, too,
Ever since life’s ear­ly morn­ing,
He has strove and plead with you.
Many times the tear­drop glist­ened,
Many times your heart did melt;
To the sto­ry you have list­ened,
Of the pangs your Sav­ior felt.

But the Bi­ble you have slight­ed,
And the Spir­it turned away,
And re­fused, tho’ oft in­vit­ed
To im­prove your gra­cious day;
Oh, how hard your heart is get­ting!
Oh, how sad your state to­day!
Friend, your star of hope is set­ting,
Haste to Christ with­out de­lay!