Scripture Verse

He will rule from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth. Psalm 72:8


Words: Ani­ta B. Fer­ris, in Songs of Life, ed­it­ed by Carl Price (New York: Ab­ing­don Press, 1921).

Music: Carl F. Price (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Fer­ris or Price (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


In lands where the An­des rise crowned to the sun,
In lands where the ri­vers flow migh­ty and strong,
Where Ant­arc­tic waves beat an un­con­quered song,
And for­ests un­trod­den stand vir­gin and tall.


Let the Christ that is liv­ing reign ov­er all!
Let the Christ that is liv­ing reign ov­er all!

Where strug­gle in birth throes a new race of men—
The sons of the In­cas, the sons of old Spain—
Thro’ dark­ness and er­ror, thro’ striv­ing and pain,
May an­gels of right­eous­ness sound forth the call,


Not Christ on the cross with His head bowed in death,
But Christ who in tri­umph arose from the grave;
The Christ who is pre­sent thro’ all time to save;
The Christ who de­liv­ers from death’s gloo­my pall.
