Scripture Verse

The righteous will live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4


James S. Wells (1872–1947)

Words: James S. Wells (vers­es 1–3) & Ro­bert E. Win­sett (verse 4), in His Voice in Song, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert E. Win­sett (Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see: Win­sett Mu­sic, 1918).

Music: J. L. Heath (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Heath’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Robert E. Winsett


I care not to­day what
The mor­row may bring,
If sha­dow or sun­shine or rain,
The Lord I know rul­eth o’er ev­ery­thing,
And all of my wor­ries are vain.


Living by faith in Je­sus above,
Trusting, con­fid­ing in His great love;
From all harm safe in His shel­ter­ing arm,
I’m liv­ing by faith and feel no alarm.

Though tem­pests may blow,
And the storm clouds arise,
Obscuring the bright­ness of life,
I’m ne­ver alarmed at the ov­er­cast skies—
The Mas­ter looks on at the strife.


I know that He safe­ly
Will car­ry me through,
No mat­ter what ev­ils be­tide;
Why should I then care,
Though the tempest may blow,
If Je­sus walks close to my side.


Our Lord will return for
His loved ones some day,
Our trou­bles will then all be o’er;
The Mas­ter so gent­ly will lead us away,
Beyond that blest hea­ven­ly shore.
