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Scripture Verse

Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God…that believing you might have life through His name. John 20:31


Tamra N. Lee (1959–)

Words: Tam­ra N. Lee, 2004 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Bu­nes­san tra­di­tion­al Gael­ic me­lo­dy (🔊 ).


Christ’s re­sur­rect­ion!
Life con­quers death and sin.
God has giv’n new life by His Son.
Praise to the Sav­ior;
Praise to the Fa­ther;
Praise to the Spir­it, the Three in One.

Through death our Je­sus
Has brought sal­va­tion,
Through re­sur­rect­ion, death ov­er­come.
By faith we know Him,
By grace He’s giv­en
Life ev­er­last­ing, life through the Son.

Scripture had pro­mised
Earth a Sav­ior;
For all who cling to Mes­si­ah alone.
Slavery to sin is brok­en for­ev­er,
By re­sur­rect­ion, Christ’s work is done.

Christ’s re­sur­rect­ion!
Life con­quers death and sin.
God has giv’n new life by His Son.
Praise to the Sav­ior;
Praise to the Fa­ther;
Praise to the Spir­it, the Three in One.