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Scripture Verse

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. Ephesians 5:25


Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig


Words: Ni­ko­lai F. S. Grundt­vig (1783–1872) (Det er saa yn­digt at føl­ges ad). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Paul C. Paul­sen in the Hym­nal for Church and Home (Blair, Ne­bras­ka: Da­nish Lu­the­ran Pub­lish­ing House, 1927), num­ber 160.

Music: Chris­toph E. F. Weyse (1774–1842) (🔊 ).

If you know where get a good pho­to of Paul­sen (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Christoph E. F. Weyse


A life to­ge­ther in love and troth
To man and wo­man is rich in bless­ing,
For joys are great­er when shared by both,
And cares and sor­rows are less dis­tress­ing.
In love abid­ing, in God con­fid­ing:
In God con­fid­ing, the Lord is guid­ing
Your life in Him: your life in Him.

It is a bless­ing when large and small
In ev­ery home are as one in spir­it,
When God is fear­èd by one and all,
And they the love of each oth­er mer­it.
In love abid­ing, in God con­fid­ing:
In God con­fid­ing, the Lord is guid­ing
Your hearth and home, your hearth and home.

It is a com­fort to look and pray
To God, the fount of our con­so­la­tion.
He will not leave us when we are gray;
His grace is new to each ge­ne­ra­tion.
In love abid­ing, in God con­fid­ing;
In God con­fid­ing, the Lord is guid­ing
You with His grace, you with His grace.

It is so bit­ter for those to part
Who live to­ge­ther in love re­quit­ed.
At home in Heav­en, each lone­ly heart
With those it loves shall be reu­nit­ed.
In love abid­ing, in God con­fid­ing:
In God con­fid­ing, the Lord is guid­ing
You with His grace, you with His grace.