Scripture Verse

Streams of living water will flow. John 7:38


Henry L. Gilmour (1836–1920)

Words: Va­ri­ous­ly at­trib­ut­ed to Hen­ry J. Zel­ley or A. I. Zelley. The pre­pon­der­ance of at­tri­bu­tions (in­clud­ing the ear­li­est known, in 1901) is to Hen­ry Zel­ley.

Music: Hen­ry L. Gil­mour (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this song was writ­ten, the au­thor’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


My soul to­day is thirst­ing
For liv­ing streams di­vine,
To sweep from high­est Hea­ven
To this poor heart of mine;
I stand up­on the promise,
In Je­sus’ name I plead;
O send the gra­cious cur­rent
To sa­tis­fy my need.


Like a migh­ty sea,
Like a migh­ty sea,
Comes the love of Je­sus
Sweeping ov­er me;
The waves of glo­ry roll,
The shouts I can’t con­trol;
Comes the love of Je­sus
Sweeping o’er my soul.

I see the clouds aris­ing,
The mer­cy clouds of love,
That come to bring re­fresh­ing
Down from the throne above,
The ear­nest of the show­er,
Just now to us is giv’n,
And now we wait, ex­pect­ing
The floods of grace from Heav’n.


The show’rs of grace are fall­ing,
The tide is roll­ing in,
The flood tide of sal­va­tion,
With pow­er to cleanse from sin;
It’s surg­ing through my be­ing
And takes my sin away,
It keeps me shout­ing glo­ry!
Through all the hap­py day.


It’s com­ing, yes, it’s com­ing,
It’s com­ing down this hour,
A tor­rent of sal­va­tion
In sav­ing, cleans­ing pow­er:
I hear the bil­lows surg­ing,
I see them mount and roll;
O glo­ry, hal­le­lu­jah!
They’re sweep­ing through my soul.
