Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
Words: Thomas Davis, Hymns Old and New (London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1864), number 48.
Music: Ferniehurst, from The Methodist Hymnal (New York & Cincinnati, Ohio: Methodist Book Concern, 1905), number 250 (🔊
If you know the composer, or where to get a good photo of him or Davis (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Linked in the bond of peace
Let all with sacred mirth
Lift up one song of praise and love,
While pondering Jesu’s birth.
From age to age this day
Hath blest unnumbered hearts;
And still its light shall wake fresh hope,
Till all we mourn departs.
Our fathers hailed its dawn
With praise to God above;
And some recalled the Babe divine,
Till burnt once more their love.
And love, rekindled thus,
Was fraught with good profound;
The festal day knit heart to heart,
And spread pure joys around.
Alas! too oft ’twas stained
With evils, and is still!
But O! let us hold fast the good
And hate and shun the ill.
Let all today be peace,
And love, and holy joy;
And earth’s sad needs by kindly deeds
To abate, our best employ.