Scripture Verse

The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. Revelation 5:5


Joel Blomqvist (1840–1930)

Words: Jo­el Blom­qvist (1840–1930). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Na­than­iel Carl­son, 1929. Ap­peared in The Co­ve­nant Hym­nal (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Co­ve­nant Book Con­cern, 1931, num­ber 373.

Music: Ein Ka­rem George F. Root (1820–1895) , alt. (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Blom­qvist,

George F. Root (1820–1895)



With heav’n­ly re­joic­ing we on­ward go,
The world left be­hind us, and ev­ery foe;
We hast­en away o’er the de­sert sand,
We’ll soon reach the bor­der of Beu­lah land.


The Li­on of Ju­dah has fought and won,
Destroying the pow’r of the ev­il one;
From dark­ness and bond­age, He set me free—
Rejoicing, I go shout­ing vic­to­ry!

The path may seem drea­ry, and long the day,
And dan­gers may threat­en along my way,
But trust­ing in Him, I shall nev­er fear,
And soon I’ll be home where there’s peace and cheer.


Take cour­age and fear not, thou lit­tle flock,
The world may des­pise you, may jeer and mock;
The end of af­flict­ion and scorn is nigh,
Each day draw­eth near­er your home on high.


He’s com­ing to meet us, He’ll soon be here,
We’ll join Him on high and go with Him there;
Oh, won­der­ful joy when His face I see:
I’ll praise and ad­ore Him, eter­nal­ly!
