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Scripture Verse

A little while, and ye shall see Me. John 16:16


Words: James G. Deck, ap­pen­dix to Hymns for the Poor of the Flock, 1841.

Music: Le­ba­non (Darn­ton) Charles Darn­ton (1836–1933) (writ­ten be­fore 1922) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Darn­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

James G. Deck (1802–1884)


A lit­tle while! our Lord shall come,
And we shall wan­der here no more;
He’ll take us to our Fa­ther’s home,
Where He for us has gone be­fore,
To dwell with Him, to see His face,
And sing the glo­ries of His grace.

A lit­tle while! He’ll come again;
Let us the pre­cious hours redeem;
Our on­ly grief to give Him pain,
Our joy to serve and fol­low Him;
Watching and rea­dy may we be,
As those who long their Lord to see.

A lit­tle while! ’twill soon be past;
Why should we shun the shame and cross?
O let us in His foot­steps haste,
Counting for Him all else but loss;
O how will re­com­pense His smile
The suf­fer­ings of this lit­tle while!

A lit­tle while! come, Sav­ior, come!
For Thee Thy bride has tar­ried long;
Take Thy poor wea­ried pil­grims home,
To sing the new eter­nal song,
To see Thy glo­ry and to be
In ev­ery­thing con­formed to Thee!