Scripture Verse

I will trust in Thee. Psalm 55:23


Words: Jean S. Pi­gott, in Hymns of Con­se­cra­tion and Faith, and Sac­red Songs for Mis­sions, Prayer and Praise Meet­ings, by James Mount­ain, 1876.

Music: Me­ri­bah Lo­well Ma­son, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pi­gott (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Lord Je­sus, Thou dost keep Thy child
Through sun­shine or through tem­pests wild;
Jesus, I trust in Thee:
Thine is such won­drous pow’r to save;
Thine is the migh­ty love that gave
Its all on Cal­va­ry.

O glo­ri­ous Sav­ior, Thee I praise;
To Thee my new glad song I raise,
And tell of what Thou art.
Thy grace is bound­less in its store;
Thy face of love shines ev­er­more,
Thou giv­est me Thy heart.

Upon Thy pro­mis­es I stand,
Trusting in Thee: Thine own right hand
Doth keep and com­fort me;
My soul doth tri­umph in Thy Word;
Thine, Thine be all the praise, dear Lord,
As Thine the vic­to­ry.

Love per­fect­eth what it be­gins;
Thy pow­er doth save me from my sins;
Thy grace up­hold­eth me.
This life of trust, how glad, how sweet;
My need and Thy great full­ness meet,
And I have all in Thee.