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Scripture Verse

Bow down Thine ear, O Lord; hear me, for I am poor and needy. Psalm 86:1


William F. Sherwin

Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 235.

Music: Ma­son Will­iam F. Sher­win (1826–1888) (🔊 ).

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Lord my pe­ti­tion heed,
Now help me in my need,
My Sav­ior be.
I am Thy ser­vant, Lord,
My trust is in Thy Word,
Mercy to me af­ford,
I cry to Thee.

Comfort Thy ser­vant now,
While at Thy throne I bow,
For Thou art love.
Thy par­don­ing grace is free;
Sinners who call on Thee
Thy ten­der mer­cy see,
O God above.

Lord, hear me while I pray,
While now in troub­le’s day
I seek Thy face.
To an­swer, Lord, is Thine;
Thou on­ly art di­vine,
Most bright Thy glo­ries shine,
O God of grace.

By all whom Thou hast made
Be praise and wor­ship paid
Through earth abroad;
Thy name be glo­ri­fied,
There is none great be­side,
Matchless Thy works abide,
For Thou art God.

Help me Thy will to do,
Thy truth I will pur­sue,
Teach me to fear;
Give me the sin­gle eye
Thy name to glo­ri­fy,
O Lord, my God most high,
With heart sin­cere.

How great Thy love ap­pears
That bade death’s gloo­my fears
No more dis­may;
O God, to an­ger slow,
Save me from ev­ery foe,
Thy lov­ing­kind­ness show,
Thy truth disp­lay.

Show me Thy mer­cy true,
Thy ser­vant’s strength renew,
Deliverance send;
To me Thy good­ness show,
Thy com­fort, Lord, be­stow;
Let those that hate me know
Thou art my friend.