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Scripture Verse

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1


Words: From The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 55.

Music: Ew­ing Al­ex­an­der Ew­ing, 1853 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ew­ing (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Our cup over­flows. Lit­er­al­ly. Our part of the coun­try was des­per­ate­ly dry. Over the past two years, we had a rain de­fi­cit of over 60 cen­ti­meters. In Ju­ly and Au­gust 2003, we got al­most no mea­sur­able pre­ci­pi­ta­tion.

Temperatures were ap­proach­ing 40°C. Far­mers were start­ing the ha­rvest ear­ly in hopes of sav­ing what they could from their sun blast­ed fields. Barge traf­fic was stop­ping due to low riv­er le­vels.

Then we got down on our knees and prayed for rain. Not just for show­ers, but hard, soak­ing, gul­ly wash­ers. Buck­ets of rain. Oceans of rain. Then it be­gan.

One morn­ing af­ter get­ting up, I looked at our rain gauge and couldn’t see the float­ing or­ange in­di­ca­tor ring. It was in­vi­si­ble be­cause the gauge was ab­so­lute­ly full to the brim, over­flow­ing!

This had nev­er hap­pened be­fore, as long as we had lived in our cur­rent home. We got over 15 cen­ti­me­ters in three days, and it was still rain­ing at this wri­ting on Au­gust 31, 2003. God is good!


The Lord my Shep­herd holds me
Within His ten­der care,
And with His flock He folds me,
No want shall find me there.
In pas­tures green He feeds me,
With plen­ty I am blest;
By qui­et streams He leads me,
And makes me safe­ly rest.

Whatever ill be­tides me,
He will re­store and bless;
For His name’s sake He guides me,
In paths of right­eous­ness.
Thy rod and staff shall cheer me
In death’s dark vale and shade,
For Thou wilt then be near me;
I shall not be afraid.

My food Thou dost ap­point me,
Supplied be­fore my foes;
With oil Thou dost an­oint me,
My cup of bliss o’er­flows.
Thy good­ness, Lord, shall guide me,
Thy mer­cy cheer my way;
A home Thou wilt pro­vide me
Within Thy house al­ways.