Scripture Verse

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1


Words: H. P. Fitch, in Per­fect Praise, ed­it­ed by James D. Vaugh­an, George W. Ba­con et al. (Law­rence­burg, Ten­nes­see: James D. Vaugh­an, 1905), num­ber 46.

Music: W. Hen­ry Mil­ford (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Fitch or Mil­ford’s full name, or where to get good pho­tos of them (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Lord has been my shep­herd,
My Sav­ior and my guide;
He has fed me from His boun­ty,
He has all my wants sup­plied;
Beside the crys­tal waters,
He has led my err­ing feet;
Of the rich­est of His pas­tures
He has giv­en me to eat.


The Lord my shep­herd is—
I shall be well sup­plied;
The Lord my shep­herd is—
What can I want be­side?
My shep­herd is beside me,
And He will hold my hand,
Till I pass be­yond the dark­ness
And reach the glo­ry land.

When my soul grew faint and wea­ry
With the rough and rug­ged road,
He re­stored its strength and cour­age
With the pro­mis­es of God;
Yes, down be­side the wa­ters
And in the pas­tures green,
My soul has caught the vi­sion,
And His glo­ry I have seen.


A ta­ble He has spread me,
With the rich­est dain­ties stored;
I have lived upon His good­ness;
I have feast­ed on His Word.
He has guard­ed me from dan­ger,
And kept me day by day;
And He has walked be­fore me,
And led me all the way.


I am near­ing now the val­ley
Of the sha­dow they call death;
But no ev­il I am fear­ing,
No cold and chill­ing breath;
For my shep­herd still is near me,
With His bless­èd staff and rod,
And He will safe­ly lead me
Up to the home of God.


And now I’ve reached the ri­ver;
I am wait­ing on the shore;
Only wait­ing for the boat­man
To come and take me o’er;
But my shep­herd is be­side me,
And He will hold my hand,
Till I sail be­yond the dark­ness
And reach the glo­ry land.


Then when I reach the ci­ty,
He will op­en wide the gate,
And He will bid me en­ter,
Where the ran­somed saints await;
There I’ll need the staff no long­er,
No long­er need the rod,
For I’ll dwell with Him for­ev­er
In the dwell­ing place of God.
