Scripture Verse

Let the people praise Thee, O God. Psalm 67:5


Jacob Blumenthal (1829–1908)

Words: Brooke Herford, in The ca­rol, ed­it­ed by Charles W. Wendte (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1886), page 137.

Music: Blu­men­thal Ja­cob Blu­men­thal, 1847 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Brooke Herford (1830–1903)


Lo! the day of days is here!
Brightest Sab­bath of the year!
Sing we hymns of glad­dest cheer,
Praising Thee, our Fa­ther!
Not of earth, the light, alone;
Not of man, the mu­sic’s tone;
Angels sing around Thy throne,
Praising Thee, our Fa­ther!

In that bless­èd light abide
Saints, with Je­sus glo­ri­fied,
And the friends we thought had died,
Praising Thee, our Fa­ther!
Christ and all dear souls above,
Who in realms im­mor­tal move,
Bless with us Thy bound­less love,
Praising Thee, our Fa­ther!

So let all our voic­es ring,
And the flow­ers their beau­ty bring,
To adorn our wor­ship­ing—
Praising Thee, our Fa­ther!
And for­ev­er we con­fess
Thy great love and ho­li­ness,
And Thy fade­less glo­ry bless,
Praising Thee, our Fa­ther!