Scripture Verse

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1


Mary E. Currier (1858–1909)

Words: Le­on­ard Weav­er, in Songs of the Peace­mak­er, ed­it­ed by Win­field S. Weed­en et al. (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Jud­son W. Van De­Ven­ter, 1904), num­ber 68.

Music: Ma­ry E. Cur­ri­er (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals give the com­pos­er as M. E. Up­ham, Cur­ri­er’s mai­den name.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Weav­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Cur­ri­er,


I have a shep­herd, one I love so well;
What He is to me tongue can ne­ver tell;
On the cross He suf­fered, shed His blood, and died,
That I might ev­er in His love con­fide.


Following Je­sus ev­er day by day,
Nothing have I to fear when He leads the way;
Darkness or sun­shine, what­e’er be­fall,
Jesus the Sav­ior is my all in all.

Pastures abun­dant doth His hand pro­vide,
Still wa­ters flow­ing ev­er at my side;
Goodness and mer­cy fol­low on my track;
With such a shep­herd no­thing can I lack.


When I would wan­der from the path as­tray,
Then He doth draw me back in­to the way;
In the dark­est val­ley I need fear no ill,
For He my shep­herd will be with me still.


When the work is ov­er and the jour­ney done,
Then He will lead me safe­ly to my home;
There I shall dwell in rap­ture pure and sweet,
And with all the loved ones ga­ther at His feet.
