Scripture Verse

His glory covered the heavens. Habakkuk 3:3


Richard Mant (1776–1848)

Words: Ri­chard Mant, 1837.

Music: Hy­fry­dol Row­land H. Pri­chard, Cy­faill y Can­to­ri­on (Llan­id­loes, Wales: John M. Jones, print­er, 1844) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Rowland H. Prichard


Lord, Thy glo­ry fills the hea­ven;
Earth is with its full­ness stored;
Unto Thee be glo­ry gi­ven,
Holy, holy, holy Lord!

Heaven is still with glo­ry ring­ing;
Earth takes up the an­gels’ cry,
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly sing­ing,
Lord of Hosts, the Lord Most High.

Ever thus, in God’s high prais­es,
Brethren, let our tongues unite,
While our thought His great­ness raises,
And our love His gifts ex­cite;
With His ser­aph train before Him,
With His ho­ly Church be­low,
Thus con­spire we to adore Him,
Bid we thus our an­them flow.

Lord, Thy glo­ry fills the hea­ven;
Earth is with its full­ness stored;
Unto Thee be glo­ry gi­ven,
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly Lord!

Thus Thy glo­ri­ous name con­fess­ing,
We adopt the an­gels’ cry,
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly bless­ing
Thee, the Lord of Hosts Most High!