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Scripture Verse

Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us. Psalm 33:22


Words: Ma­ry A. Side­bo­tham, 1881.

Music: Ringe recht Jo­hann Thom­men, Er­bau­lich­er mu­sic­al­isch­er Chris­ten-Schatz (Ba­sel, Swit­zer­land: Da­ni­el Eck­en­stein, 1745) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Side­bo­tham or Thom­men (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Lord, Thy mer­cy now en­treat­ing,
Low be­fore Thy throne we fall;
Our mis­deeds to Thee con­fess­ing,
On Thy name we hum­bly call.

Sinful thought and words un­lov­ing,
Rise against us one by one;
Acts un­wor­thy, deeds un­think­ing,
Good that we have left un­done.

Hearts that far from Thee were stray­ing,
While in pray­er we bowed the knee;
Lips that, while Thy prais­es sound­ing,
Lifted not the soul to Thee.

Precious moments id­ly wast­ed,
Precious hours in fol­ly spent;
Christian vow and fight un­heeded;
Scarce a thought to wis­dom lent.

Lord, Thy mer­cy still en­treat­ing,
We with shame our sin would own;
From hence­forth, the time re­deem­ing,
May we live to Thee alone.