Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us.
Psalm 33:22
Words: Mary A. Sidebotham, 1881.
Music: Ringe recht Johann Thommen, Erbaulicher musicalischer Christen-Schatz (Basel, Switzerland: Daniel Eckenstein, 1745) (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Sidebotham or Thommen (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Lord, Thy mercy now entreating,
Low before Thy throne we fall;
Our misdeeds to Thee confessing,
On Thy name we humbly call.
Sinful thought and words unloving,
Rise against us one by one;
Acts unworthy, deeds unthinking,
Good that we have left undone.
Hearts that far from Thee were straying,
While in prayer we bowed the knee;
Lips that, while Thy praises sounding,
Lifted not the soul to Thee.
Precious moments idly wasted,
Precious hours in folly spent;
Christian vow and fight unheeded;
Scarce a thought to wisdom lent.
Lord, Thy mercy still entreating,
We with shame our sin would own;
From henceforth, the time redeeming,
May we live to Thee alone.