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Scripture Verse

Ye shall be witnesses…unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8


Words: Len­ore Harp­ster, 1915.

Music: Fran­cis­co B. De­Le­one (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Harp­ster or De­Le­one (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Would you live for Je­sus,
Truly be His own?
Leading oth­ers to Him,
Christ the Ho­ly One?
Make them think of Je­sus,
Everywhere you go;
Lift another’s bur­den—
He would do just so!


Make them think of Je­sus,
All along the way,
Point some one to Je­sus
Every pass­ing day;
Make them think of Je­sus,
All along the way,
Point some one to Je­sus
Every pass­ing day.

Make them think of Je­sus,
By your words of love;
Point them to the Sav­ior,
Our dear Lord above;
Make them think of Je­sus,
When they hear you speak,
Voice so sym­pa­thiz­ing,
Comforting the weak.


Make them think of Je­sus,
Of His ten­der care,
Watching o’er the spar­rows
And the li­lacs fair;
Make them think of Je­sus,
When they think of you;
Make them think of Je­sus,
Truest of the true.


Make them think of Je­sus,
Whatsoe’er you do;
Bring them un­to Je­sus—
He de­pends on you;
Make them think of Je­sus,
Of His match­less grace;
By His blood re­deemed they,
Too, may see His face.
