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Scripture Verse

Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also who pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Revelation 1:7


Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)

Words: Ada J. Blenk­horn, in The Cen­tu­ry Gos­pel Songs, ed­it­ed by Pe­ter Bil­horn (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1901), num­ber 144.

Music: Am­ba­la Ferd De­gen, ar­ranged by Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, 1901 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of De­gen (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Ada J. Blenkhorn (1858–1927)


Make way for the King! He is com­ing
In heav­en­ly splen­dor ar­rayed;
Ye Chris­tians who love His ap­pear­ing,
Keep watch­ing, and be not dis­mayed.
One day in the fast-near­ing fu­ture,
As the days and the years roll by,
The eyes of all na­tions shall see Him
In glo­ry des­cend from the sky.


Make way, make way!
Let earth with its ju­bi­lees ring.
Make way, make way!
And crown Him Sav­ior and King.

Make way for the King! He is com­ing;
Make way for the Lord in your heart;
All en­vy and ma­lice and hat­red,
O bid it for­ev­er de­part.
Let love reign su­preme in your spirit,
Your ene­mies free­ly for­give;
In right­eous­ness, peace and sub­mis­sion,
Make haste for His com­ing to live.


Make way for the King! Let your ar­mor
Be gleam­ing, and bur­nished with pray­er;
Beneath the bright folds of His ban­ner
Your love and de­vo­tion de­clare.
With ar­dor and zeal un­abat­ed,
By word and by act­ion pro­claim
This truth to the peo­ple around you,
That Je­sus is com­ing again.


Make way for the King! He is com­ing;
Go out on the high­way and street,
And res­cue the care­less and sin­ful,
The maimed and the poor whom you meet.
Go ga­ther the sheep and the lamb­kins
Who per­ish from hun­ger and cold;
The King will re­joice when He com­eth
To find them all safe in His fold.


Make way for the King! He is com­ing,
The ho­ly, the pow­er­ful One;
The earth shall be filled with His glo­ry,
In bright­ness tran­scend­ing the sun.
Rejoice and be glad, all ye people,
Let earth with your ju­bi­lees ring;
With songs and ho­san­nas re­ceive Him,
And crown Him your Sav­ior and King.
