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Scripture Verse

Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him. Psalm 2:12


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719. Christ dy­ing, ris­ing, in­ter­ced­ing and reign­ing.

Music: Don­cas­ter Sam­uel Wes­ley, in Psalms and Hymns for the Ser­vice of the Church, 1837 (🔊 ).

Samuel Wesley (1766–1837)
National Portrait Gallery



Maker and so­ver­eign Lord
Of Heav’n and earth and seas,
Thy pro­vi­dence con­firms Thy Word,
And an­swers Thy de­crees.

The things so long fore­told
By Da­vid are ful­filled,
When Jews and Gen­tiles joined to slay
Jesus, Thine ho­ly Child.

Why did the Gen­tiles rage,
And Jews with one ac­cord
Bend all their coun­sels to de­stroy
Th’Anointed of the Lord?

Rulers and kings agree
To form a vain de­sign;
Against the Lord their pow­ers unite
Against His Christ they join.

The Lord de­rides their rage,
And will sup­port His throne;
He that hath raised Him from the dead
Hath owned Him for His Son.

Now He’s as­cend­ed high,
And asks to rule the earth;
The mer­it of His blood He pleads,
And pleads His heav’n­ly birth.

He asks, and God be­stows
A large in­her­it­ance;
Far as the world’s re­mot­est ends
His king­dom shall ad­vance.

The na­tions that re­bel
Must feel His iro­n rod;
He’ll vin­di­cate those hon­ors well
Which He re­ceived from God.

Be wise, ye rul­ers, now,
And wor­ship at His throne;
With trem­bling joy, ye peo­ple, bow
To God’s ex­alt­ed Son.

If once His wrath arise,
Ye per­ish on the place;
Then bless­èd is the soul that flies
For re­fuge to His grace.