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Scripture Verse

March on, my soul, with strength! Judges 5:21


Words: Will­iam Wright (1859–1924).

Music: Christ Church (Steg­gall) Charles Steg­gall, 1865 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wright (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Steggall


March on, my soul, with strength,
March for­ward, void of fear;
He who has led will lead,
Through each suc­ceed­ing year;
And as you jour­ney on your way,
His hand shall hold you day by day.

March on, my soul, with strength,
In ease you dare not dwell;
Your Mas­ter calls you forth;
Then up, and serve Him well!
Take up your cross, take up your sword,
And fight the bat­tles of your Lord!

March on, my soul, with strength,
With strength, but not your own;
The con­quest you shall gain,
Through Christ your Lord alone;
His grace shall pow­er your fee­ble arm,
His love pre­serve you safe from harm.

March on, my soul, with strength,
From strength to strength march on;
Warfare shall end at length,
All foes be ov­er­thrown.
And then, my soul, if faith­ful now,
The crown of life awaits your brow.