…like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 2:3
Words: ElÂla S. ArÂmiÂtage, in The Home and School HymÂnal (EdÂinÂburgh, ScotÂland: T. and A. ConÂstaÂble, 1894), number 369. MoÂdiÂfied in The EnÂdeaÂvor HymÂnal (BosÂton, MasÂsaÂchuÂsetts: UnitÂed SoÂciÂety of ChrisÂtian EnÂdeaÂvor, 1901), numÂber 132.
Music: H. CoÂhen, 1901 (🔊
If you know CoÂhen’s full name, or where to get a good phoÂto of him or ArÂmiÂtage (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
March on, march on, ye solÂdiers true
In the cross of Christ conÂfidÂing,
For the field is set, and the hosts are met,
And the Lord His own is guidÂing;
Thro’ the earth’s wide round, we the tidÂings sound
Of the Lord who came from HeavÂen;
Of the mighÂty hope that with death can cope,
And the love so freeÂly given.
March on, march on, ye solÂdiers true,
In the cross of Christ conÂfidÂing,
For the field is set, and the hosts are met,
And the Lord His own is guidÂing.
We march to fight with the pow’rs of night,
That hold the world in sorÂrow;
And the brokÂen heart shall be healed of its smart,
And arise to a joyÂful morÂrow;
O’er the realms of night shall our standÂard bright
Arise, their darkÂness clearÂing;
And souls that were dead to the Lord who bled,
Shall reÂvive at His glad apÂpearÂing.
O so long is the fight, but the God of light
Is evÂer watchÂing near us;
And the prayÂers that rise to the listÂenÂing skies
Like a song of hope shall cheer us;
Till the sunÂrise broad of the day of God
Shall shine on the VicÂtor’s gloÂry;
And earth at rest, in her Lord conÂfessed,
Shall reÂjoice in the finÂished stoÂry.