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Scripture Verse

The mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Jude 21


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in The Vic­to­ry, ed­it­ed by Ches­ter G. All­en & Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry (New York: Big­low & Main, 1869), page 293.

Music: Ga­bri­el P. Ben­ja­min (🔊 ).


We are bought with a price
By the Lamb that was slain;
He has con­quered the grave—
He liv­eth again!
At the foot of the cross
He will an­swer our call:
Blessèd be the Lord!
There is mer­cy for all!


Mercy for all! Mercy for all!
Blessèd be the Lord!
There is mer­cy for all!
Mercy for all! Mer­cy for all!
Blessèd be the Lord!
There is mer­cy for all!

We may drink if we will
Of the fount­ain so free
That is flow­ing to­day
For you and for me;
With our bur­den of sin
At its brink we may fall:
Blessèd be the Lord!
There is mer­cy for all!


O the rich­es of grace
That in Je­sus abound!
With the full­ness of joy
His peo­ple are crowned.
At the door of His love
He will an­swer our call:
Blessèd be the Lord!
There is mer­cy for all!


If we walk in the path
That our Mas­ter has trod—
If we die un­to sin,
But live un­to God,
When we pass the dark vale
He will an­swer our call:
Blessèd be the Lord!
There is mer­cy for all!
